Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
她很无私,把她收集的很多东西拿出来给大家share。可惜,这个世界什么人都有,什么心态都有,网上骂她的人也不少,结果她一气之下,把所有的贴子都删了。所以等我回过味来,想读她的文章的时候,已经TOO LATE。
她很无私,把她收集的很多东西拿出来给大家share。可惜,这个世界什么人都有,什么心态都有,网上骂她的人也不少,结果她一气之下,把所有的贴子都删了。所以等我回过味来,想读她的文章的时候,已经TOO LATE。
2。 西 西妈精华贴 1:分析学生习作,谈如何辅导孩子写作
3。西 西妈精华贴 2:谈谈作文的忌讳:Cliché
5。西 西妈精华贴4:一年级的小孩要不要写JOURNAL
6。西西妈 精华贴5:鼓励孩子写大作文 (ZT)
7。西西妈 精华贴6:谈谈五段式Essay的写作
Monday, May 3, 2010
丁丁 TV 的采访
他说,有些压力来自父母,父母对他们有很高的期待,让他们感到有压力。我自己觉得挺注意这方面的问题的,但是他们还是FEEL PRESSURE。
他说,有些压力来自父母,父母对他们有很高的期待,让他们感到有压力。我自己觉得挺注意这方面的问题的,但是他们还是FEEL PRESSURE。
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Rice or Berkeley?
Rice or Berkeley?
眼看就要逼近5月1号了,老大在Rice or Berkeley之间挣扎着。在参观RICE的时候,他非常EXCITING,几乎肯定的说要把DEPOSIT放到RICE。可回到加州之后,他又有些倾向Berkeley了。
听他跟同学聊天说:我的两个TWIN BROTHER上大学的时候,我爸爸妈妈就该退休了,我应该从现在开始,尽量为他们省钱。哎吆,这平时跟他无意念叨的几句话,也没见到他有啥反映,怎么这时候全用上了?
朋友当中,大部分倾向RICE。住在硅谷,停了太多关于BERKELEY的TOUGH:比如说,亚裔很多,竞争很强,学生太多,经济缩减,还有人说选课选不到,5年才能毕业。。。。。。我把听到的所有“传说”都倾泄给老大了,以便“帮助” 他做决定。老大说了:妈妈,我知道你想让我去RICE,爸爸想让我去BERKELEY,但是我不会听你的,也不会听爸爸的,我要跟我在BERKELEY读书的朋友们多写一些EMAIL,多听他们怎么说,然后再做决定。
老大想学文科,ECON,为了让他更进一步了解RICE,我让朋友的女儿(她在RICE,很喜欢那里),帮他在RICE找了一个在RICE 读ECON的同学,了解一些内部具体情况,老大拿到EMAIL后,马上给这个同学发了个EMAIL(同时,他也给在BERKELEY读书的3个朋友发了类似的EMAIL)
HI, I'm a prospective Rice student who hasn't yet submitted his SIR and is wavering between Berkeley and Rice. I received your email from a mutual friend, who referred me to you as I plan on studying some form of economics/managerial studies at either school and was hoping you could provide some insight into the courses there. More specifically:
1. How are the quality of the courses there? I know that Berkeley's economics department is more prestigious and renowned around the U.S. but would you say the quality of teaching at Rice is top notch? Any courses you would recommend/warn of etc.
2. How are research opportunities at Rice? I would like to go to grad school after undergrad and want to look into research, internships and the like to get a head start on building my resume. Is it easy to find opportunities to work with professors, competitiveness, accessibility etc.
3. Is it easy to get a job outside of Texas after Rice? I know that Rice is heralded as the Southern Ivy and is very well respected in Texas, but on the west coast for example very few of my peers know of it. In your opinion would I be better off going to Rice or Berkeley assuming I'd like to work for a few years on the East coast after graduating?
4. Quality of life? How is the social scene as in do people date/party hard/nerd it up/go to clubs and bars etc. I'd really like to get a holistic college experience where I can have fun and gain a valuable education. How is Rice in terms of this?
If you have any other tips or comments feel free to share! I have to SIR to one of these two colleges by Friday so any feedback is much appreciated! Thank you!
其实我给他找“内线”,多少有点软PUSH 的成分在里边,人人都说RICE好,那里的学生一定很HAPPY吧。
glad to help man.
1) the quality of the courses range from poor to mediocre. there’s a few good classes but mostly I haven’t been super impressed with any of my classes.
2) Research opportunities are super minimal. I don’t know anyone doing economics or business research. the opportunities usually go to grad students.
3) most people I know are working in texas. that said, it can be done, but the network is mostly Houston.
4) people at rice seem to like the quality of life. I’d say its 50% party 50% nerdy in terms of demographics. the girls are okay.
to be honest, I’m largely going to rice because of a full scholarship I received. I’m having a good time here but the econ department is not very strong. that’s the honest truth.
估计这结果老大也没想到:“well not exactly what i hoped to hear, but thanks for being honest; it'll help me in my college decision process.” 那边的回应:“ya sorry about that. Rice is a great school but our econ department is abysmal.”
与此同时,3个BERKELEY 的朋友都有了回音,两个直接通了电话,出乎预料的是,3个反映有很POSITIVE。大意就是:你在LYNBROOK闯都过来了,BERKELEY不成问题。是的,这里学生多,学校大,没有人手把着手教你干这干那,但是这正是你需要锻炼的地方,因为真实社会就是这样。。。。。。
老大说,他想学经济,总体来讲,BERKELEY的BUSINESS SCHOOL 要强些,NETWORK要广些,他要选BERKELEY,他听了很多关于BERKELEY的负面消息,但是他已经做好准备,Take the all challenger in Berkeley。。。。。。。
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