以前大家都说这个Walden West summer camp 好,怎么个好法,咱也不知道,今年我就给老二报了一期。昨天是第一天,回来后,说他enjoy。每天上午有challenger自己的项目,昨天是攀岩, 下午游泳,累的跟什么是的,在回来的车上就睡着了。。。。。
Today was the first time stepping into Walden West summer camp, and i actuall acomplished somethings in its duration. First off, I managed to sun-burn my back so as that whenever i put on a shirt or take off my shirt, it stings, pretty bad. Guess this sumbolizes the actual beginning of summer, or is it just karma? Eh.
The Second thing that i accomplished was to be the first to climb to the very top of the rock climbing wall, after they newly refurbished it. WOOT! plus i climbed up the nose of the rock face, a decently difficult challenge, and realized that i quite enjoy rock climbing, maybe it’ll develop into a hobby of mine later on. In fact, im going to say it right now。
An Excellent Resource of Writing Starters for Grades 1 - 3:
> My favorite ___________is because....
> A special birthday for me is...
> A special birthday for an adult is...
> What is your favorite time of day? Explain why?
> I'd like to see . . .
> The biggest thing I ever saw
> If toys could talk what would they say?
> I am proud of myself because...
> What I know about rabbits is that...
> Tell about one thing you do really well?
> Insects, insects everywhere!!! Describe what you see!
> I'm happy when . . .
> This is how I think plants grow.
> My adventure would be
> I am afraid to_________ because
> What is your favorite room in your home and why?
> Describe your best day ever?
> What does a super-fun day look like to you?
> Climbing trees is...
> I wish trees could._______because....
> I want to be a ________ when I grow up.
> The perfect place in the whole wide world is...
> What can you do to help you feel better when you're feeling blue?
> Walking in the rain is...
> Noisy times and quiet times are...
> For lunch today I...
> If I were a raindrop I'd...
> I like to make ______ because...
> I am always kind to__________ because
> My favorite stuffed animal or toy is...
> What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?
> If I could choose a different name, I would choose _____ and this is why...
> Let's go _______________. Describe your adventure in detail.
> What would happen if animals could talk? What questions would you like to ask them?
> Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to? What are some of the things you would do.
> What would you do if you were in the middle of the ocean and your boat springs a leak?
Take them. There are some very fascinating and useful ones like 'Lean Entrepreneurship' and CS (Computer Science) 101.
They're free, online and only require a little bit of time a day to take the lessons. You are not graded or held to strict deadlines. You don't even have to turn in homework. But you can learn so much.
Every fall and spring, Stanford hosts a weekend of short classes for middle school and high school kids called Stanford Splash. There are all kids of science classes offered as well as classes on how to knit, tie knots, build a camp stove, etc.
To 所有参加《大学生和中学生谈心会》的家长,
As promise, Carl把给中学生推荐的书和博客send了给我,大家可以send给小朋友们,我看了一下,他介绍的以下博客都是年轻人写的,也许小朋友们会感兴趣,在此仅供大家参考。
Books & Blogs:
Sebastian Marshall - Read his book, Ikigai. Watch his YouTube videos. Read his blog at sebastianmarshall.com
Cal Newport - His blog is studyhacks. He's the crazy 29-year-old B.S., M.S. pH.D professor at Georgetown. Incredible. Read his books (search him on Amazon) and his blog at calnewport.com/blog
ScottYoung - Good friend of Cal's. Similar life philosophy. 25 years old, entrepreneur. Very into achieving more and living life to the fullest. I had coffee with him in SF and he was a great conversationalist and very insightful.scotthyoung.com/blog
Ben Casanocha - Young entrepreneur. Ridiculously accomplished for his age and spirit. Read his blog too. Very insightful. http://ben.casnocha.com/
Leo Babauta - Writer of ZenHabits.net. In 2005 he was overweight, a chain smoker, bad family life, in huge debt, no money. He decided to reform his life. Since then he has written 3 books, ran many many marathons, quit smoking, got out of debt, sold his TV and Car to live a minimalist life, has a great family life. He writes about his journey. One of the most popular blogs (as named by Times) on the internet.
Max Marmer - 20 year old Stanford Dropout. Unique and mature perspective on life. Talks and writes like a 60 year old.
Malcolm Gladwell - Blink, The Tipping Point, writer of economic psychology. Def worth a read -- one word of caution though: his work is kinda pop science. He's a great writer and very intelligent, but I've read criticism of his work that claims he isn't as rigorous about the studies he selects as possible. 还有两个PDF书,文件较大,不好attach,有需要的,请留言吧,我单独给你send过去。
巧的是,在公园碰上了lynbrook的四个印度family,4个家庭,15个人,少了一个Carl的同学。那位妈妈无可奈何地说,圣诞节本是一家人的 family time,可她上Berkeley的儿子说忙忙忙,就是不肯跟着来,当父母的没办法,只好随他。我回头看看老大,想想当初我订票时的斩钉截铁:这一个星 期,是family time,下个星期,你自由!我根本就没给他选项。暗暗的佩服了一下自己的武断。
在坐船回来的途中,我旁边坐了一个纽约来的中年妇女,她说,在纽约,她要看护妈妈,要工作,要干这,干那,来这之后,纽约的家人问她都干了什么,她哈哈大 笑,说什么也没干,That’s what I want! 可以感觉到她的放松。是啊,脱离日常的生活,给自己一点自由,一点空闲,一点回味,一点滋润,人,真的需要这样的relax!
从下周开始,小双就要去一个新的学校了:McAuliffe。 去年抽签,排在waiting list 3.4. 今年接到通知,有一个名额空出来了,大双去还是小双去,费了点脑筋。最后,学校老师根据两人在学校的表现,觉得小双适应新环境快些,建议让小双先去, 我们考虑再三,觉得可行。 为什么要去这个学校呢?和其他的学校有什么不同?这也是我要找的答案。和很多人聊过,有推荐的,有不认同的,这个学校的特点就是, 一切以hand on experience 为主。没有作业,学校有花园,厨房,有很多field trip,家长要参与很多。我想,想要知道梨子的滋味,就要亲口尝一尝。 学校的Philosophy:I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand 小学,是不是要那么重视学业?成长的过程,什么最重要? 我会跟踪学校的活动,写下自己的体会。
Ah. Lived at Stanford for a full month, the best experience of my life thus far. The course and the activities themselves were decent. But the main cause for my experience to be so enjoyable were the people there. Everyone was unique. Partially because we’re all gifted, and also because of the diverse backgrounds that everyone came from. There were interenational students from all over, and kids from all different states. It opened up my eyes a bit, and taught me about all the different situations that you could come from.
“ A fish cannot tell it is in water until it is out of the water” the same can be said for me. I was so used to living the Chinese-American lifestyle, it closed my mind up to all the other possibilities out there.
Norman Mineta(峰田) ,是一名民主党的政治活动家,在克林顿的班子里,当了6个月的商业部部长,然后被布什延揽入阁当交通部部长,长达5年之久,是唯一一个入阁共和党的民主党人士。当初911发生时,就是他临阵指挥,下的命令让所有的飞往美国的飞机,都暂时转往加拿大的一个小镇停留,缓解了当时的混乱状况。他说,当时的小镇,到处都是飞机,人群,头对头,尾对尾,但次序极好,极为罕见。
以前大家都说这个Walden West summer camp 好,怎么个好法,咱也不知道,今年我就给老二报了一期。昨天是第一天,回来后,说他enjoy。每天上午有challenger自己的项目,昨天是攀岩, 下午游泳,累的跟什么是的,在回来的车上就睡着了。。。。。
Today was the first time stepping into Walden West summer camp, and i actuall acomplished somethings in its duration. First off, I managed to sun-burn my back so as that whenever i put on a shirt or take off my shirt, it stings, pretty bad. Guess this sumbolizes the actual beginning of summer, or is it just karma? Eh.
The Second thing that i accomplished was to be the first to climb to the very top of the rock climbing wall, after they newly refurbished it. WOOT! plus i climbed up the nose of the rock face, a decently difficult challenge, and realized that i quite enjoy rock climbing, maybe it’ll develop into a hobby of mine later on. In fact, im going to say it right now。
这个camp,还真是“野”, 周二上午是爬山射箭,周三是“走钢丝”, 也就是在两棵大树之间栓好绳子,小朋友要在绳子上走,拽着绳子爬树,当然是安全设施齐备了。